5 Unconventional Methods to Revitalize Your Relationship

Being in a relationship includes sharing a space of comfort and safety with someone you trust and love. As time goes on in a relationship, you may need to reignite the spark as a way to show each other how much you mean to one another.

How to identify a need to make changes in your relationship:

Falling into comfort is a normal progression for a relationship. It won't always be butterflies and excitement, but that doesn't mean you need to just accept this. There are ways for you to make changes in your relationship for the better.

If things have fizzled to a point where you two are constantly encountering problems, then it is time to consider relationship coaching as this is a common way to get to the core of the problem and work together to overcome it.

Ways to boost your relationship

If your relationship is not on the rocks but needs a little help to get things back on track, there are some great ways to rekindle the romance and refresh your feelings for each other.

1. Do something to get your heart racing

Nothing is quite like a unique adrenaline-rushing experience. Consider doing something like bungee jumping, or going on a roller coaster. Not only will you have a great time, but it may help you remember the rush of love you felt when you started being a couple. If there is conflict in the relationship, it will help distract from that and focus on spending fun time with each other.

2. Make new memories and share an experience together

Do an activity together that you won’t normally do. Take a cooking lesson, do a craft or even go on a local tour together. This will help you do activities together and make new memories. It may even help you realize new talents about each other. Create memories, take pictures and compile an album to look back on. It will help when you want to reminisce about the relationship.

3. Spend time with other people

Spend time with people outside of the relationship in a platonic manner. Go for friend dates, hire a male escort to be a companion on an outing. These services are completely platonic and have no romantic weight attached to them. This will help you learn to be independent, and not rely on each other too much. Friends are an important part of life and growing. Having the freedom to spend time with others without any jealousy or possessiveness is crucial to a healthy relationship. This will take a lot of strain off the relationship and the need to constantly be with each other.

4. Practice intimacy

Practice platonic intimate touches with each other to help grow the bond between you. It will help build affection for each other without relying on sex. It is also a way to show care and be present in the relationship. Something as simple as hugging or holding hands in day-to-day situations can make the biggest difference.

5. Work towards a common goal

This can be anything that requires mutual effort to complete. Taking on a task like this together will help show each other what it means to work together as a couple and act as a metaphor for what can be achieved by you two.


Relationships running their course will naturally reach a slump. But there are ways to overcome this by spicing things up in the relationship. Revitalizing the connection in the romance can be done by engaging in shared experiences and in some cases through the assistance of relationship coaching.