See It, Visualize It, Receive It

A couple of weeks ago we got a letter from our landlord telling us we have to move out of the home we've lived in for 19 years. It came as quite a shock and scared the pants out of us. I got terrified for way too many hours, went to the Tenant's Union and got some information that helped. But the most important part was when I woke up the next morning I made a decision. And that decision was that this was not going to take me down. As a matter of fact, it was going to be a way for me to be lifted up. And I was going to figure out what that was. Thankfully, my partner, Joyce, is on the same page as I am. There are so many interesting aspects to this part of our journey. First off, Joyce was thinking about buying tickets for the Dream Home Raffle. She looked at her chart (she's an evolutionary astrologer) and found many signs pointing towards her having very good luck at this time. Then she was talking to a fellow astrologer who was at our home for a House Concert we were hosting for Griffanzo. When she mentioned buying tickets for this raffle and he said, "Do it! I was the architect for that home." He told us all kinds of interesting and amazing things about this house. And then he told her who the owner is. It's so cool, Joyce knows that person!! So many synchronicities that we simply can't ignore them. And there are a lot more than that.

Our friend who is a photoshop wiz created this photo for us. Here are Joyce and I on the front steps of our new home. Tyrone and Buddy Boy are in the second floor window (they are alive) and Curious and Trouble are in the upper window (they are not in physical form anymore but we see them all the time. In other words, they are not alive.) However, they are obviously closer to the heavens than we are and can help guide us to this home.

We feel this home coming to us and us inhabiting it. We see it as a community space where workshops, talks, love, healing, and Well-Being abound. We see it as a way to manifest our dreams and help others do the same. We know it as a focalizer, as a way for us to harness the amazing energy that we have within us. And we see it as the next natural step for us, and for many others. So dream with us. Manifest with us. Play with us. Grow with us. Have fun with us. We invite you to the magic and the mystery!

Our Home1
Our Home1